WiFCC Family Fun Night at Adventure Zone: Duluth
February 21 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join WiFCC at Adventure Zone on Friday, February 21 from 5pm-8pm. Your registration will include unlimited mini golf, unlimited laser tag, unlimited sports play, $1 arcade play, and a hot dog and small soda. Additional arcade play is available for purchase.
This event is intended for foster, adoptive, guardianship, reunified and relative caregiver families residing in the state of Wisconsin.
Due to popularity of family events, please let your local WiFCC specialist know ahead of time if there is any reason you can no longer attend or need fewer tickets than you originally signed up for. We would like to accommodate as many families as possible.
This event would be a great opportunity to invite your child’s birth/first family or previous foster family. We understand this may not work for all family dynamics but encourage you to consider it. We hope to create an opportunity for children to have all their loved ones in one location whenever possible and create positive memories together. Please have each household register separately.
To learn more about Adventure Zone located in Duluth, MN visit their website here: https://www.adventurezoneduluth.com/ Registrants MUST BE a resident of Wisconsin to register for this event.
If you have questions about this event, contact Madeline at mcurry@cclse.org.
Cancellations for events must be made at least 72 hours in advance. If 3 or more late cancellations or no-shows occur within a six-month period, the household’s event registrations in the following six months will default to a waitlist.